Substiane [+] UV
Cuidado fundamental reconstituyente Anti-signos de la edad.
El rostro recupera su firmeza. Aporta un confort intenso. Protección UVA-UVB.
Tubo de 40ml.
Flacidez de la piel. Pérdida de la sustancia cutánea. Sequedad
Innovación para pieles maduras:
La asociación de LINACTYL + PRO-XYLANE, un exclusivo complejo regenerador que actúa sobre la dermis para reactivar el soporte de las células *.
Textura rica, intensa y confortable.
*Test in vitro
Product efficacy
Tests clínicos han demostrado el efecto de SUBSTIANE en la firmeza de la piel.
Tras 3 meses: Relleno (la piel recupera su firmeza) (+28,9%), Densidad (+17,8%) y Arrugas (profundidad) 21,7%.
Texture & application
Our safety commitments
Safety standards beyond international cosmetics regulations.
100% products
allergy tested
100% products
allergy tested
One prerequisite = Zero allergic reactions.
If we detect a single case, we go back to the labs and reformulate.
Just the essential,
at the right active dose
Just the essential,
at the right active dose
Developed in collaboration with dermatologists
and toxicologists, our products contain only the necessary
ingredients, at the right active dose.
on very sensitive skin
on very sensitive skin
Our products’ tolerance is verified on the most sensitive skin:
reactive, allergic, acne-prone, atopic, damaged or weakened
by cancer treatments.
Formula protection
over time
Formula protection
over time
We select the most protective packaging associated with only
the necessary preservatives, to guarantee intact tolerance
and efficacy over time.